Monday, October 29, 2012

Charles Darwin by Kathleen Krull

Darwin cover
Krull, Kathleen. Charles Darwin. Ill. by Boris Kulikov. New York: Viking, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-670-06335-2.

Charles Darwin's passion for learning as much about plants and animals as possible, to include their origins, began as a child and led him to ignite one of the most controversial theories in science, the theory of evolution. Kathleen Krull's concise biography Charles Darwin captures Darwin's life from boyhood to his exciting voyage as a young adult on the HMS Beagle to his mature adult years as a husband, father, and researcher. After reading this book, the reader will have a greater appreciation for Darwin's dedication to show that the theory of evolution through natural selection was founded on solid scientific principles and facts.

Kathleen Krull successfully accomplishes writing about the life of Charles Darwin in the biography Charles Darwin, part of the Giants of Science Series. She adeptly pulls the relevant facts of his fascinating life and masterfully places them in a chronological order that leads the reader to understand the intensity of Darwin's determination to open the world to a new theory, the theory of evolution through natural selection.

In the book, Krull brings to light the character of the man behind the theory. Darwin was a man who avoided controversy, had a fragile digestive system, and was liked by all who met him. However, he had an inner-strength fed by his conviction that the world was a constantly changing entity, and the organisms that inhabit it adapted with the changes. In order to avoid controversy, he spent his adult life collecting facts and data to support his theory. He consulted contemporary experts, traveled to exotic lands to find fauna and flora that further proved his beliefs, and then spent years compiling evidence and writing about his findings before finally publishing his greatest work, On the Origin of Species.

She includes names and brief descriptions of the famous scientists who supported or opposed Darwin's theories. These inclusions make room for further research for a reader who would like to learn more about Darwin and natural selection. In the end, she recognizes that not only did Darwin disclose a theory that made sense in the world of science, but he also influenced the development of other sciences and the importance of following a scientific process when exploring theories and finding proofs to support them. The book ends with suggested readings and websites for the reader, as well as a complete index of names, places, and scientific terms included in the book.

Booklist Book Review Stars - December 2010 American Library Association
Booklist Top 10 Science and Health Books for Youth 2011 - American Library Association
Voya's Nonfiction Honor List 2010

"In this volume, part of the Giants of Science series, Kathleen Krull has done an excellent job of condensing Darwin's biography into a short work for young audiences. I like the level of content and the depth of coverage that she has packed into this little book."  - Gary W. Finiol, Science Books and Films Vol. 47, No.4

"A fast-paced biography of Darwin and the society that at once shaped and thwarted him, this book engages its audience of ten-and-up." Denise A. Lockett, Children's Literature

Nonfiction Biography Interest Level Grades 6-8

Related Books
Other biographies by Kathleen Krull in the Giants of Science Series:
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Sigmund Freud
Marie Curie
Leonardo Da Vinci

Enrichment Activities
Visit Kathleen Krull's website for activity ideas to use in the classroom when teaching biographies.

Create a timeline, beginning with Linnaeus, to show the names of scientists who influenced Darwin's dedication to prove the theory of evolution through natural selection.

It amazes me that the controversy that Darwin faced 150 years ago still exists today. As I read the book, I couldn't help but to marvel that Darwin, a man who hated controversy, brought to the world's attention a significant find in science that continues to be a hot-topic in the 21st century. Kathleen Krull's biography of Darwin's life successfully shows the man behind the theory: a simple man with a complex mind who saw more than others and who tried to help them to see, as well.

Charles Darwin cover illustration. Internet on-line.  Accessed October 24, 2012 from

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